Solving Outlook server connection problems

From time to time, some customers using Outlook have experienced server connection problems.

If Outlook stops sending or receiving correctly, here is how to reset it.

  1. Select File - Work Offline in Outlook
  2. Move (to Drafts) or delete any messages in the Outbox
  3. Close Outlook
  4. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and run Task Manager
  5. Find Outlook in the list and close it completely
  6. Restart Outlook
  7. Select File - Work Offline again to return Outlook to working online
  8. Try to resend your emails
If this procedure does not work for you, the fault could be with your internet connection, so check that you can access other internet services. Or the fault could be with the server so try to access your email with webmail to test for this situation.

Contact us if you need further help.


nivetha said…
Thanks for the information about the outlook server problem.I know my internet ip address from the site u tell me the how to find the local server ?